Coimbatore to Ooty Bus Timings | TNSTC TN 33 N 3144

Coimbatore is around 90 km from Ooty via Coonoor, Mettupalayam. TNSTC (Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation) Ooty Bus Depot runs Express bus services between Coimbatore and Ooty. For your travel convenience, here are the Coimbatore to Ooty bus timings and the Ooty to Coimbatore bus timings. Note that in some cases, the bus images displayed are representative. Please contact the respective bus stands and depots for the most up-to-date bus schedules.

TNSTC TN 33 N 3144 Coimbatore to Ooty Bus Timings

TNSTC TN 33 N 3144 Coimbatore to Ooty Bus Timings

TNSTC TN 43 N 0834 Ooty - Coimbatore

TNSTC TN 43 N 0834 Ooty – Coimbatore

TNSTC TN 43 N 0790 Coimbatore to Ooty Bus Timings

TNSTC TN 43 N 0790 Coimbatore to Ooty Bus Timings

TNSTC TN 43 N 0955 Ooty - Coimbatore Bus Timings

TNSTC TN 43 N 0955 Ooty – Coimbatore

TNSTC ‘Express’ Coimbatore to Ooty
Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Mettupalayam, Coonoor

Coimbatore to Ooty Bus Timings

Here are the Coimbatore to Ooty bus timings, indicatinfg the TNSTC Ooty bus timings from Coimbatore New bus stand. (*– Night Services Start from Gandhipuram Central Bus Stand).

Ooty to Coimbatore Bus Timings

Here are the Ooty to Coimbatore bus timings, indicating the TNSTC Coimbatore bus timings from Ooty bus stand.

Coimbatore to Ooty : Distance and Travel Time

Ooty is a Hill station in Nilgiris district with beautiful mountains, lakes and forests. Ooty is popularly known as ‘Queen of Hills Stations’. Coimbatore is a city in the plains and it is well connected with Ooty by bus. The distance from Coimbatore to Ooty is around 90 km and the TNSTC Coimbatore to Ooty Bus Travel Time will be around 03:30 hrs. The TNSTC bus service is one of the best budget-friendly travel options available from Coimbatore to Ooty, providing cheap bus travel to passengers. For more information on TNSTC bus timings for specific cities and towns, you can also check the District-wise bus stand timetables and Region-wise SETC Bus Timings.

The Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) is a public transport bus operator in Tamil Nadu. Book Coimbatore to Ooty bus tickets online at Official TNSTC / SETC Login Online Booking site

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