Mettupalayam (MTP) to Coimbatore (CBE), Chennai (MAS) & Ooty (UAM) Train Timings

Mettupalayam is a town in Coimbatore district. It is around 40 km from Coimbatore city. Mettupalayam is located on the foothills of Nilgiri Mountains. Its the gateway to Nilgiris. Indian Railways runs Trains from Mettupalayam to Coimbatore and Chennai. The famous Nilgiri Mountain train, the Meter Gauge Hill train is starting from Mettupalayam railway station. Train Timetable from Mettupalayam Railway Station. Note that in some cases, the bus images displayed are representative. Please contact the respective bus stands and depots for the most up-to-date bus schedules.

Mettupalayam Ooty (Udagamandalam) Toy Train Timings

Mettupalayam to Ooty (Udagamandalam) Meter Gauge Hill Train Timings

The distance between Mettupalayam and Ooty is around 46 km and the Nilgiri Toy Train travel time will be around 05:00 hrs. Ooty (Udagamandalam) Nilgiri Toy Train timetable from Mettupalayam Railway Station.
Train Number : 06136
Train Route : Kallar, Adderley, Hillgrove, Runnymede, Coonoor, Aravankadu, Ketti, Lovedale
Train Schedules – Departure from Mettupalayam (MTP) : 07:10
Arrival at Ooty (UAM) : 11:55
Mettupalayam to Ooty (Udagamandalam) (General) Fare : Rs. 30/-
Mettupalayam to Ooty (Udagamandalam) (2S) Fare : Rs. 295/-
Mettupalayam to Ooty (Udagamandalam) Fare : Rs. 600/-

Ooty (Udagamandalam) to Mettupalayam Meter Gauge Hill Train Timings

Ooty (Udagamandalam) to Mettupalayam Meter Gauge Hill Train

Ooty (Udagamandalam) to Mettupalayam Meter Gauge Hill Train Timings

The distance between Ooty and Mettupalayam is around 46 km and the Nilgiri Toy Train travel time will be around 03:30 hrs. Mettupalayam Nilgiri Toy Train timetable from Ooty (Udagamandalam) Railway Station.
Train Number : 06137
Train Route : Lovedale, Ketti, Aravankadu, Coonoor, Runnymede, Hillgrove, Adderley, Kallar
Train Schedules – Departure from Ooty (UAM) : 14:00
Arrival at Mettupalayam (MTP) : 17:30
Ooty (Udagamandalam) to Mettupalayam (General) Fare : Rs. 30/-
Ooty (Udagamandalam) to Mettupalayam (2S) Fare : Rs. 295/-
Ooty (Udagamandalam) to Mettupalayam Fare : Rs. 600/-

Ooty (Udagamandalam) to Mettupalayam Meter Gauge Hill Train Timings

Ooty (Udagamandalam) to Mettupalayam Meter Gauge Hill Train

Mettupalayam Coimbatore Train Timings

Mettupalayam Coimbatore MEMU Passenger Train Timings

Mettupalayam Coimbatore MEMU Passenger Train Timings

Mettupalayam to Coimbatore MEMU Passenger Train Timings

The distance between Mettupalayam and Coimbatore is around 36 km and the MEMU Passenger Train travel time will be around 45 mins. Coimbatore MEMU Passenger Train timetable from Mettupalayam Railway Station.
Train Number : 06009, 06813, 06817, 06823
Train Route : Karamadai, Periyanayakanpalayam, Thudiyalur, Coimbatore North
Train Schedules – Departure from Mettupalayam (MTP) : 08:20, 10:55, 13:05, 16:45, 19:15
Arrival at Coimbatore Junction (CBE) : 09:05, 11:40, 13:50, 17:30, 20:00
Mettupalayam to Coimbatore MEMU Passenger Train Fare : Rs.10/-

Coimbatore to Mettupalayam MEMU Passenger Train Timings

The distance between Coimbatore and Mettupalayam is around 36 km and the MEMU Passenger Train travel time will be around 45 mins. Mettupalayam MEMU Passenger Train timetable from Coimbatore Junction Railway Station.
Train Number : 06812, 06814, 06816, 06010, 06822
Train Route : Coimbatore North, Thudiyalur, Periyanayakanpalayam, Karamadai
Train Schedules – Departure from Coimbatore Junction (CBE) : 09:35, 11:50, 15:45, 17:55, 20:25
Arrival at Mettupalayam (MTP) : 10:20, 12:35, 16:30, 18:40, 21:10
Coimbatore to Mettupalayam MEMU Passenger Train Fare : Rs.10/-


Mettupalayam Chennai Train Timings

Mettupalayam Chennai Nilgiri Super Fast Train Timings

Mettupalayam Chennai Nilgiri Super Fast Train Timings

Mettupalayam to Chennai Central Nilgiri Super Fast Express Train Timings

The distance between Mettupalayam and Chennai Central is around 530 km and the Super Fast Express Train travel time will be around 08:00 hrs. Chennai Central Super Fast Express Train timetable from Mettupalayam Railway Station.
Train Number : 12672
Train Route : Coimbatore, Tiruppur, Erode, Salem, Katpadi, Arakkonam, Perambur
Train Schedules – Departure from Mettupalayam (MTP) : 21:20
Arrival at Coimbatore Junction (CBE) : 22:15
Arrival at Chennai Central (MAS) : 06:20
Mettupalayam to Chennai Central Super Fast (General) Fare : Rs. 170/-
Mettupalayam to Chennai Central Super Fast (Sleeper) Fare : Rs. 350/-
Mettupalayam to Chennai Central Super Fast (3AC) Fare : Rs. 915/-
Mettupalayam to Chennai Central Super Fast (2AC) Fare : Rs. 1280/-
Mettupalayam to Chennai Central Super Fast (1AC) Fare : Rs. 2130/-

Chennai Central to Mettupalayam Nilgiri Super Fast Express Train Timings

The distance between Chennai Central and Mettupalayam is around 530 km and the Super Fast Express Train travel time will be around 08:10 hrs. Chennai Central Super Fast Express Train timetable from Mettupalayam Railway Station.
Train Number : 12671
Train Route : Perambur, Arakkonam, Katpadi, Salem, Erode, Tiruppur, Coimbatore
Train Schedules – Departure from Chennai Central (MAS) : 21:05
Arrival at Coimbatore Junction (CBE): 05:!0
Arrival at Mettupalayam (MTP) : 06:15
Chennai Central to Mettupalayam Super Fast (General) Fare : Rs. 170/-
Chennai Central to Mettupalayam Super Fast (Sleeper) Fare : Rs. 350/-
Chennai Central to Mettupalayam Super Fast (3AC) Fare : Rs. 915/-
Chennai Central to Mettupalayam Super Fast (2AC) Fare : Rs. 1280/-
Chennai Central to Mettupalayam Super Fast (1AC) Fare : Rs. 2130/-


Indian Railways is a statutory body under the ownership of Ministry of Railways, Government of India that operates India’s national railway system. Indian Railways Official Online Train Ticket Booking Site (IRCTC)

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