Thiruvananthapuram is the capital city of Kerala. Palakkad to Thiruvananthapuram bus travel distance is around 430 km via Thrissur, Erankulam, Alappuzha. Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (Kerala RTC) Thiruvananthapuram bus depot runs KSRTC-SWIFT GARUDA AC Seater bus services between Palakkad and Thiruvananthapuram. If you’re looking for cheap bus travel from Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad or vice versa, here are the Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad AC Seater Bus Information & Palakkad to Thiruvananthapuram AC Seater Bus Timings for your travel convenience. Note that in some cases, the bus images displayed are representative. Please contact the respective bus stands and depots for the most up-to-date bus schedules.
KSRTC-SWIFT ‘GARUDA AC Seater‘ Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad
Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Attingal, Kollam, Kayamkulam, Alappuzha, Ernakulam (Vytilla Hub), Angamaly, Thrissur
Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad Bus Timings (KSRTC-SWIFT AC Seater)
KSRTC-SWIFT Palakkad GARUDA AC Seater bus timings from Thiruvananthapuram bus stand.
- Bus Schedules – Departure from Thiruvananthapuram : 04:15
- Arrival at Palakkad : 11:15
- KSRTC-SWIFT Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad GARUDA AC Seater bus Fare : Rs.601/-
- KSRTC Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad Bus Timings (Super Fast)
- KSRTC Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad Bus Timings (Super Fast AC)
- KSRTC Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad Bus Timings (Minnal Deluxe)
Palakkad to Thiruvananthapuram Bus Timings (KSRTC-SWIFT AC Seater)
KSRTC-SWIFT Thiruvananthapuram GARUDA AC Seater bus timings from Palakkad bus stand.
- Bus Schedules – Departure from Palakkad : 18:00
- Arrival at Thiruvananthapuram : 01:15
- KSRTC-SWIFT Palakkad to Thiruvananthapuram GARUDA AC Seater bus Fare : Rs.601/-
- KSRTC Palakkad to Thiruvananthapuram Bus Timings (Super Fast)
- KSRTC Palakkad to Thiruvananthapuram Bus Timings (Super Fast AC)
- KSRTC Palakkad to Thiruvananthapuram Bus Timings (Minnal Deluxe)
- TNSTC Bus Timings from Palakkad
Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad : Distance and Travel Time & Fare
The distance between Palakkad and Thiruvananthapuram is around 430 km and the KSRTC-SWIFT Palakkad to Thiruvananthapuram bus travel time will be around 07:00 hrs. The KSRTC bus service is one of the best budget-friendly travel options available from Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad, providing cheap bus travel to passengers. The Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad AC Seater Bus Fare is Rs. 560/-.
Where to Book Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad Kerala RTC Online Bus Tickets?
Kerala KSRTC Bus Enquiry Contact Number : 0471 – 2463799, 9447071021
KSRTC Thiruvananthapuram Bus Stand Contact Number : 0479 – 2302282
KSRTC Palakkad Bus Stand Contact Number : 0491 – 2520098
Book KSRTC online bus tickets from Thiruvananthapuram to Palakkad here!