The Gandhipuram to Chinnakuyili bus service is run by Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC). TNSTC Coimbatore’s City Bus Route 69B connects Gandhipuram and Chinnakuyili, providing public travel options. The TNSTC Coimbatore Town Bus 69B passes through important locations such as Lakshmi Mills, Peelamedu, Hopes, ESI, Singanallur, Ondipudur, Pappampatti Pirivu, and more. Below, find the Gandhipuram to Chinnakuyili Bus Information & Chinnakuyili to Gandhipuram Bus Timings. Note that in some cases, the bus images displayed are representative. Please contact the respective bus stands and depots for the most up-to-date bus schedules.
Gandhipuram to Kuppichipalayam Bus Route 69B Details
- Coimbatore Town Bus Route Number : 69B
- Town Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Lakshmi Mills, Peelamedu, Hopes, ESI, Singanallur, Ondipudur, Pappampatti Pirivu
- Number of Buses Daily : 2 Buses
Gandhipuram to Chinnakuyili Bus Timings
Here are the Gandhipuram to Kuppichipalayam bus timings, indicating the TNSTC Kuppichipalayam bus timings from Gandhipuram Town Bus Stand.
- Bus Schedules – Departure from Gandhipuram : 06:45, 17:00
- Town Bus Timings from Gandhipuram (Singanallur Route)
Chinnakuyili to Gandhipuram Bus Timings
Here are the Kuppichipalayam to Gandhipuram bus timings, indicating the TNSTC Gandhipuram bus timings from Kuppichipalayam Bus Stand.
- Bus Schedules – Departure from Chinnakuyili : 08:00, 18:15
The TNSTC Town Bus Route 69B Gandhipuram to Chinnakuyili Bus Travel Time will be around 01:15 hrs. The TNSTC bus service is one of the best budget-friendly travel options available from Gandhipuram to Chinnakuyili, providing cheap bus travel to passengers. Explore TNSTC Coimbatore City bus routes and timings, including town bus services in Mettupalayam, Pollachi, and other important places in Coimbatore district. Check the Coimbatore City Bus Routes and Timings Guide for more information.
For long-distance bus timings, check the TNSTC Bus timings from Gandhipuram Central Bus Stand, SETC Bus Timings from Gandhipuram SETC Bus Stand, Bus timings towards the south from Singanallur Bus Stand, towards Ooty from New Bus Stand, and towards Pollachi and Palani from Ukkadam Bus Stand. For more information on TNSTC bus timings for specific cities and towns, you can also check the District-wise bus stand timetables. The Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) is a public transport bus operator in Tamil Nadu. Book tickets online at Official TNSTC / SETC Login Online Booking site