Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) providing public travel options town buses connect Arappalayam Bus Stand (Madurai) to various towns and villages including Madurai Airport, Anaiyur, Anuppanadi, Avaniapuram, Kulamangalam, Mattuthavani, Parambupatti, Periyar Bus Stand, Sermathai Vasan College, Thirumangalam, Thirunagar, Thiruvathavur, Valar Nagar, Vandiyur, Velammal Hospital, Viraganoor Ring Road and more. For those considering a bus journey from Arappalayam, here are the TNSTC Town Bus Timings from Arappalayam Bus Stand (Madurai) for your travel convenience. Note that in some cases, the bus images displayed are representative. Please contact the respective bus stands and depots for the most up-to-date bus schedules.
Arappalayam to Madurai Airport Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Madurai Airport, here are the TNSTC Madurai Airport Bus Timings from Arappalayam Bus Stand.
- Town Bus Number : 10A
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 12:00
Arappalayam to Mattuthavani (MGR Bus Stand) Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Mattuthavani, here are the TNSTC Mattuthavani Bus Timings from Arappalayam Bus Stand.
- Town Bus Number : 77
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : at regular intervals, every 5-10 mins a bus from 04:15 to 22:45
Arappalayam to Periyar Bus Stand Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Periyar, here are the TNSTC Periyar Bus Timings from Arappalayam Bus Stand.
- Town Bus Number :
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 05:30, 06:00, 06:15, 06:40, 009:15, 09:20, 09:50, 010:10, 10:15, 10:30, 10:50, 11:20, 11:40, 11:50, 11:55,
- 12:50, 13:00, 13:10, 13:15, 13:30, 14:00, 14:15, 14:50, 15:00, 15:20, 15:30, 16:00, 16:15, 16:20, 16:30, 17:00, 17:50,
- 18:20, 18:40, 18:50, 19:10, 19:40, 20:00, 20:45, 21:20, 21:30, 21:50, 22:30
Arappalayam to Thirumangalam Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Thirumangalam, here are the TNSTC Thirumangalam Bus Timings from Arappalayam Bus Stand.
- Town Bus Number : 48A
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : at regular intervals, every 5-10 mins a bus from 04:15 to 22:45
Arappalayam to Velammal Hospital Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Velammal Hospital. For details on TNSTC Velammal Hospital Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 4
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 05:00, 05:50, 06:45, 07:40, 08:45, 09:40, 10:30, 11:30, 13:20, 14:10, 15:30, 16:10, 17:20, 18:20, 19:20, 20:20
Arappalayam to Vandiyur Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Vandiyur. For details on TNSTC Vandiyur Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 4H, 77A
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 05:20, 06:30, 07:00, 08:00, 08:50, 09:30, 10:40, 10:50, 12:15, 12:20, 14:00, 15:00, 15:40, 16:30, 17:30, 17:50, 19:15, 19:20, 20:30, 21:00
Arappalayam to Anaiyur Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Anaiyur. For details on TNSTC Anaiyur Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 77J
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 12:30, 14:45
Arappalayam to Anuppanadi Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Anuppanadi. For details on TNSTC Anuppanadi Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 4A
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 05:00, 06:10, 09:20, 10:40, 12:45, 13:50, 17:00, 18:15, 19:20
Arappalayam to Avaniapuram Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Avaniapuram. For details on TNSTC Avaniapuram Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 10A
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 10:45, 11:15, 12:00, 12:40, 13:!5, 19:50, 21:15
Arappalayam to Karisalkulam Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Karisalkulam. For details on TNSTC Karisalkulam Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 10A
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 16:45
Arappalayam to Kulamangalam Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Kulamangalam. For details on TNSTC Kulamangalam Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 25
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 10:15, 19:00
Arappalayam to Parambupatti Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Parambupatti. For details on TNSTC Parambupatti Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 10A
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 07:00
Arappalayam to Pudur Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Pudur. For details on TNSTC Pudur Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 66
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 22:30, 23:20
Arappalayam to Rayapalayam Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Rayapalayam. For details on TNSTC Rayapalayam Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 48
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 19:20
Arappalayam to Sermathai Vasan College Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Sermathai Vasan College. For details on TNSTC Sermathai Vasan College Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 10AA
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 08:40, 15:10
Arappalayam to Thirunagar Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Thirunagar. For details on TNSTC Thirunagar Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 37A
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 12:20, 18:30
Arappalayam to Thiruvathavur Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Thiruvathavur. For details on TNSTC Thiruvathavur Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 66J
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 04:20, 05:30, 07:00, 08:10, 09:45, 11:00, 12:50, 14:00, 15:40, 16:45, 18:30, 19:40
Arappalayam to Usilampatti Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Usilampatti. For details on TNSTC Usilampatti Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 77B
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 21:30
Arappalayam to Valar Nagar Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Valar Nagar. For details on TNSTC Valar Nagar Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 7P
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : 07:20, 10:15, 16:00, 20:45
Arappalayam to Viraganoor Ring Road Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options from Arappalayam to Viraganoor Ring Road. For details on TNSTC Viraganoor Ring Road Bus Timings from Arappalayam, Kindly refer to the bus schedule.
- Town Bus Number : 4
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Arappalayam : at regular intervals, every 15-20 mins a bus from 04:40 to 20:20, 20:50, 21:00, 21:30
The Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) is a public transport bus operator in Tamil Nadu. Check TNSTC long-distance bus timings from Madurai Mattuthavani Bus Stand and Arappalayam Bus Stand. For more information on TNSTC bus timings for specific cities and towns, you can also check the District-wise bus stand timetables and Region-wise SETC Bus Timings. Book tickets online at
Official TNSTC / SETC Login Online Booking site .